1.0347 (DC03)


Country Section Category
Germany Non-alloy Steels Steels with Average C < 0,12% or Rm < 400 MPa

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Mn, % P, % C, % S, %
DIN 1624:1987 > 99.38 < 0.45 < 0.035 < 0.1 < 0.035

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\sigma_{Y}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\epsilon_{L (L_0 = 80 mm)}$$, % $$\epsilon_{L (L_0 = 5.65\sqrt{S_o})}$$, % Treatment
270–370 240 34
annealing, soft 37

Твёрдость по Викерсу

Rolling Standard Classifiers Value, HV
annealing, soft 100


According to DIN 1624 Designation processing G note Annealing
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing G Thickness: < 3 mm ; tensile strength: 270 - 370 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing G Thickness: < 3 mm ; elongation: > 34 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing G Thickness: > 3 mm ; tensile strength: 270 - 370 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing G Thickness: > 3 mm ; elongation: > 37 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG note Snapping
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: < 0.7 mm ; yield strength: < 260 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: < 0.7 mm ; tensile strength: 270 - 370 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: < 0.7 mm ; elongation: > 34 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: 0.7 - 3.0 mm ; yield strength: < 240 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: 0.7 - 3.0 mm ; tensile strength: 270 - 370 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: 0.7 - 3.0 mm ; elongation: > 34 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: > 3 mm ; yield strength: < 240 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: > 3 mm ; tensile strength: 270 - 370 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing LG Thickness: > 3 mm ; elongation: > 37 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K note Training
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; yield strength: 210 - 355 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; tensile strength: 290 - 390 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; elongation: > 22 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; yield strength: 210 - 355 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; tensile strength: 290 - 390 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing 32 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; elongation: > 26 %
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K note Training
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; yield strength: > 330 MPa
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; tensile strength: 390 - 490 MPa
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: < 3 mm ; elongation: > 5 %
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; yield strength: > 330 MPa
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; tensile strength: 390 MPa
According to DIN 1624, the Designation processing 40 K Thickness: > 3 mm ; elongation: > 13 %
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 50 note Training
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 50 yield strength: > 440 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 50 Temporary resistance: 490 - 590 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 60 note Training
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 60 yield strength: > 540 MPa
According to DIN 1624 Designation processing K 60 tensile strength: 590 - 690 MPa


CIS, Russia, Ukraine Germany USA
08U 1.0333 (DC03G1) SA 1008 CS Type A


Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Mn % Manganese
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
$$\sigma_{Y}$$ $$MPa$$ Yield strength
$$\sigma _{U}$$ $$MPa$$ Ultimate tensile strength
$$\epsilon_{L (L_0 = 80 mm)}$$ % Elongation at break (longitudinal) (for L0 = 80 mm)
$$\epsilon_{L (L_0 = 5.65\sqrt{S_o})}$$ % Elongation at break (longitudinal) (for L0 = 5.65√So)