
for the manufacture of parts with high plasticity, undergoing shock loads and relatively weak effect of aggressive media


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Structural steel Carbonaceous quality structural steel

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Mn, % Cr, % Cu, % Ni, % As, % P, % C, % S, %
GOST 1050-88 98.525–99.65 < 0.06 0.3–0.5 < 0.15 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.08 < 0.03 0.05–0.12 < 0.035

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\epsilon_L$$, % Treatment
Tape GOST 8851 - 75 260–360 27


Standard Description
GOST 1050-88

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Mn % Manganese
Cr % Chrome
Cu % Copper
Ni % Nickel
As % Arsenic
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
$$\sigma _{U}$$ $$MPa$$ Ultimate tensile strength
$$\epsilon_L$$ % Elongation at break (longitudinal)