EI694 (1X14H16B)


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Corrosion-resistant alloys and steels Corrosion-resistant alloys

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Mn, % Cr, % Ni, % P, % C, % S, % Nb, %
63.925–71.03 < 0.6 1–2 13–15 14–17 < 0.035 0.07–0.12 < 0.02 0.9–1.3

Information on suppliers


Products according to GOST 5949 Note. The standards of mechanical properties apply to samples taken from steel with a diameter or thickness of up to 60 mm.
For steel with a diameter or thickness of st. 60 to 100mm, a reduction in elongation of 1abs.% Is allowed,
relative narrowing by 5abs.% and impact strength by 4.9 J / cm2 with a norm of less than 78.4 J / cm2 and by 9.8 J / cm2 with a norm of 78.4 J / cm2 and more
For steel with a diameter or thickness of st. 100 to 150mm, a reduction in elongation of 3abs.% Is allowed,
a relative narrowing of 10 abs.% and impact strength of 9.8 J / cm2 at a rate of less than 78.4 J / cm2 and at 14.7 J / cm2 at a rate of 78.4 J / cm2 or more.
Yield strength:> 196 MPa Tensile strength:> 490 MPa Elongation:> 35% Elongation:> 50%
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 600 ° C; Long-term tensile strength for 10,000 hours:> 167 MPa Long-term tensile strength for 100,000 hours:> 118 MPa
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 600 ° C The creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation for 1000 h:> 157 MPa The creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation for 100 000 h:> 98 MPa
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 650 ° C; Long-term tensile strength for 10,000 hours:> 108 MPa Long-term tensile strength for 100,000 hours:> 76 MPa
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 650 ° C; Creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation per 1000 h:> 98 MPa Creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation per 100 000 h:> 64 MPa
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 700 ° C; Long-term tensile strength for 10,000 hours:> 64 MPa Long-term tensile strength for 100,000 hours:> 39 MPa
Products according to GOST 5949 Test temperature: 700 ° C The creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation for 1000 h:> 54 MPa The creep limit corresponding to 1% of the total deformation for 100 000 h:> 36 MPa
Operational characteristics According to ST TsKBA 025-2006 Application temperature: -70 - 475 ° C
Calculated Properties Density: 7.91 g / cm3

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Mn % Manganese
Cr % Chrome
Ni % Nickel
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur
Nb % Niobium