1.0486 (P275N)


Country Section Category
Germany Non-alloy Steels Steels with Average 0,12% =< C < 0,25% or 400 MPa = < Rm < 500 MPa

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Mn, % Cr, % Cu, % Ni, % Al, % P, % C, % S, % Nb, % Mo, % N, %
96.675–99.5 < 0.4 0.5–1.4 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.5 < 0.02 < 0.03 < 0.18 < 0.025 < 0.05 < 0.1 < 0.02

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers σU, MPa ϵL, % ReH, MPa Treatment
< 70 390–510 > 24 > 255
70–85 370–490 > 23 > 235
85–100 370–490 > 23 > 235
100–125 350–470 > 23 > 225
125–150 350–470 > 23 > 225
150–250 > 23


CIS, Russia, Ukraine

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Mn % Manganese
Cr % Chrome
Cu % Copper
Ni % Nickel
Al % Aluminium
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur
Nb % Niobium
Mo % Molybdenum
N % Nitrogen

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
σU MPa Ultimate tensile strength
ϵL % Elongation at break (longitudinal)
ReH MPa Upper yield point