Weldability without restrictions. Hardness 20864 hot-rolled Grade (GOST 11036) HB 10 -1 = 131 MPa

for use in magnetic circuits of electric devices and instruments


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Electrical steel Unalloyed electrical steel

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Mn, % Cu, % P, % C, % S, %
GOST 3836-83 > 99.015 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.02 < 0.035 < 0.03

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\epsilon_L$$, % $$\psi$$, % Treatment
Metal rolling GOST 11036-75 hot rolling 270 24 60
Metal rolling GOST 11036-75 calibrated 350 4

Magnetic properties

Rolling Dimensions, $$mm$$ $$H_c$$, $$A/m$$ $$\mu_{max}$$, $$MH/m$$ $$B_{500}$$, $$T$$ $$B_{1000}$$, $$T$$ $$B_{2500}$$, $$T$$ $$B_{5000}$$, $$T$$ $$B_{10000}$$, $$T$$ $$B_{30000}$$, $$T$$
Sheet 0.1–3.9 64 5.6 1.38 1.5 1.62 1.71 1.81 2.05
Grade 64 1.4 1.5 1.6

Brinell hardness number

Rolling Standard Classifiers Value, HBW
Metal rolling GOST 11036-75 hot rolling 1310

Technological Properties

no limits


Standard Description
GOST 3836-83

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Mn % Manganese
Cu % Copper
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
$$\sigma _{U}$$ $$MPa$$ Ultimate tensile strength
$$\epsilon_L$$ % Elongation at break (longitudinal)
$$\psi$$ % Reduction in cross section on fracture

Description of magnetic properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
Dimensions $$mm$$
$$H_c$$ $$A/m$$ Magnetic coercivity (not more)
$$\mu_{max}$$ $$MH/m$$ Magnetic permeability (not more)
$$B_{500}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 500 A/m
$$B_{1000}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 1000 A/m
$$B_{2500}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 2500 A/m
$$B_{5000}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 5000 A/m
$$B_{10000}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 10000 A/m
$$B_{30000}$$ $$T$$ Magnetic induction (not less) in a magnetic field while magnetic field strength is 30000 A/m

Designation of types of weldability

Parameter Units of measurement Description
no limits Welding is performed without heating and without subsequent heat treatment
Boundedly welded Welding is possible with heating up to 100–120 °C and subsequent heat treatment
Difficult to weld For obtaining quality welded joints, additional operations are required: heating up to 200–300 °C for welding, heat treatment after welding — annealing
Not applicable for welded structures