Nickel-cobalt alloy 29NK (29NK-VI, 29NK-VI-1, 29NK-1, Kovar)
Designed for vacuum junctions of elements of electronic equipment with glasses C49−1, C52−1, C48−1, C47−1; TKLR * 1,000,000 in the temperature range from -70 to +420 ºC no more than 4.5−6.5 [1 / ºC]
Chemical composition
Information on suppliers
Physical characteristics
Mechanical properties at 20 °C
Magnetic properties
Твёрдость по Викерсу
Casting and technological parameters
Technological Properties
Description of chemical elements
Description of physical characteristics
Description of mechanical properties
Description of magnetic properties
Description of the casting and technological parameters
Designation of types of weldability