For the manufacture of critical parts of high strength and toughness, working in conditions of re-variable loads (crankshafts, gears, connecting rods, etc.); for the manufacture of parts of large cross section, requiring high hardenability


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Structural steel Alloyed structural steel

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Mn, % Cr, % Ti, % Cu, % Ni, % V, % P, % C, % S, % Mo, % W, %
TU 14-1-950-74 92.53–95.38 0.17–0.37 0.3–0.6 1.6–2 < 0.03 < 0.25 1.4–1.8 0.18–0.28 < 0.025 0.27–0.34 < 0.025 < 0.15 0.7–1.6

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers σU, MPa σY, MPa ψ, % KCU103, Jm2 d5, % Treatment
Rod TU 14-1-950-74 Ø 25 1030–1175 835–980 45–55 685–980 10–12 Hardening and tempering


Standard Description
TU 14-1-950-74

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Mn % Manganese
Cr % Chrome
Ti % Titan
Cu % Copper
Ni % Nickel
V % Vanadium
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur
Mo % Molybdenum
W % Tungsten

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
d5 % Elongation at break
σY MPa Yield strength
σU MPa Ultimate tensile strength
ψ % Reduction in cross section on fracture
KCU103 Jm2 Impact toughness