For the manufacture of critical parts of high strength and toughness, working in conditions of re-variable loads (crankshafts, gears, connecting rods, etc.); for the manufacture of parts of large cross section, requiring high hardenability
For the manufacture of critical parts of high strength and toughness, working in conditions of re-variable loads (crankshafts, gears, connecting rods, etc.); for the manufacture of parts of large cross section, requiring high hardenability
Standard | Fe, % | Si, % | Mn, % | Cr, % | Ti, % | Cu, % | Ni, % | V, % | P, % | C, % | S, % | Mo, % | W, % |
Standard | Fe, % | Si, % | Mn, % | Cr, % | Ti, % | Cu, % | Ni, % | V, % | P, % | C, % | S, % | Mo, % | W, % |
TU 14-1-950-74 | 92.53–95.38 | 0.17–0.37 | 0.3–0.6 | 1.6–2 | < 0.03 | < 0.25 | 1.4–1.8 | 0.18–0.28 | < 0.025 | 0.27–0.34 | < 0.025 | < 0.15 | 0.7–1.6 |
Rolling | Standard | Size, mm | Tension | Classifiers | d5, % | Treatment | ||||
Rolling | Standard | Size, mm | Tension | Classifiers | d5, % | Treatment | ||||
Rod | TU 14-1-950-74 | Ø 25 | 1030–1175 | 835–980 | 45–55 | 685–980 | 10–12 | Hardening and tempering |
Standard | Description |
Standard | Description |
TU 14-1-950-74 |