
It is used for the manufacture of centrifugally cast pipes intended for the manufacture of coil tube furnaces of installations for the production of ammonia, hydrogen, ethylene, carbon disulfide, etc., operating in the temperature range of 760−1060 ° C and pressure up to 3.92 MPa (40 kgf / cm2); centrifugally cast pipes used as components in the equipment of the metallurgical, machine-building, glass, ceramic, mining and refining petrochemical industries, as well as for the manufacture of blanks and parts used in the composition of the products of the aviation and nuclear industries.


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Corrosion-resistant alloys and steels Corrosion-resistant alloys

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Si, % Sn, % Mn, % Cr, % Ti, % Cu, % Zn, % Ni, % V, % Pb, % As, % P, % C, % S, % Nb, % Mo, %
TU 1333-047-00220302-02 30.65–73.149 1.2–1.6 < 0.01 1–1.5 23–27 0.0005–0.1 < 0.2 < 0.01 34–36 0.0005–0.2 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.03 0.35–0.45 < 0.03 1.3–1.7 < 0.5

Information on suppliers

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Physical characteristics

Temperature, °C $$\varkappa$$, $$\frac{W}{m\cdot K}$$ $$\rho$$, $$\frac{kg}{m^3}$$ Cp, Дж/кг·К
20 55.4–75.5 8000 456

Casting and technological parameters

melting point, °C
45H25N35BS / Aloro


Standard Description
TU 1333-047-00220302-02

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Si % Silicon
Sn % Tin
Mn % Manganese
Cr % Chrome
Ti % Titan
Cu % Copper
Zn % Zinc
Ni % Nickel
V % Vanadium
Pb % Lead
As % Arsenic
P % Phosphorus
C % Carbon
S % Sulfur
Nb % Niobium
Mo % Molybdenum

Description of physical characteristics

Parameter Units of measurement Description
Cp Дж/кг·К Specific heat of material
$$\varkappa$$ $$\frac{W}{m\cdot K}$$ Coefficient of thermal conductivity (the heat capacity of the material)
$$\rho$$ $$\frac{kg}{m^3}$$ The density of the material

Description of the casting and technological parameters

Parameter Units of measurement Description
melting point °C The temperature at which solid crystalline body makes the transition to the liquid state and Vice versa