It is used as an alloying additives, catalysts for the manufacture of chemicals in the metallurgical and chemical industries; in the processing of optical glass lenses; mixing with iron powder in mechanical engineering; For the production of sintered products in the automotive, metallurgy, electrical (including return structural shapes), aviation and engineering industries for the manufacture of rings, bushings, bearings, electrical contacts, electrodes, brushes electrical machinery, consumer goods and filters for fine cleaning of oils; For the production of anti-friction components, friction pads, diamond cutters, diamond cutting wheels in the automotive and engineering industries; For products from the production of dispersion-strengthened composite materials — conductive tips and electrodes for welding, soldering tips, heavy-duty dry sliding bearings


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Powder metallurgy Copper Electrolytic Powder

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Cu, % Sb, % Pb, % As, % O, %
GOST 4960-2009 < 0.018 < 99.5 < 0.005 < 0.05 < 0.003 < 0.2

Information on suppliers


Standard Description
GOST 4960-2009

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Cu % Copper
Sb % Antimony
Pb % Lead
As % Arsenic
O % Oxygen