Alloy 76

Production of rails RP50 types, RP65 and RP75 for industrial rail transport of wide gauge tracks


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Steels for special purposes Steel for rail transport

Information on suppliers

Physical characteristics

Temperature, °C $$\rho$$, $$\frac{kg}{m^3}$$
20 7850

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ $$KCU\cdot 10^{3}$$, $$\frac{J}{m^2}$$ d5, % Treatment
Steel GOST 51045-97 780–1080 150 3–5

Brinell hardness number

Rolling Standard Classifiers Value, HBW
Steel GOST 51045-97 302–420

Description of physical characteristics

Parameter Units of measurement Description
$$\rho$$ $$\frac{kg}{m^3}$$ The density of the material

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
d5 % Elongation at break
$$\sigma _{U}$$ $$MPa$$ Ultimate tensile strength
$$KCU\cdot 10^{3}$$ $$\frac{J}{m^2}$$ Impact toughness