
SrM77 (SRM 770)

Silver-copper alloy. Melting point: 779 — 798 ° C

For the manufacture of sliding contacts, electrical conductors and other products and technical purposes.


Country Section Category
CIS, Russia, Ukraine Precious metals Silver, silver alloys

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % Bi, % Cu, % Sb, % Pb, % Ag, %
GOST 6836-2002 < 0.13 < 0.002 22.21–23.36 < 0.002 < 0.005 76.5–77.5

Information on suppliers

Physical characteristics

Temperature, °C \rhoρ, \frac{kg}{m^3}kgm3
20 10100

Casting and technological parameters

melting point, °C


Standard Description
GOST 6836-2002

Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
Bi % Bismuth
Cu % Copper
Sb % Antimony
Pb % Lead
Ag % Silver

Description of physical characteristics

Parameter Units of measurement Description
\rhoρ \frac{kg}{m^3}kgm3 The density of the material

Description of the casting and technological parameters

Parameter Units of measurement Description
melting point °C The temperature at which solid crystalline body makes the transition to the liquid state and Vice versa