1.0060 (E335)

Method of deoxidation — FN = boiling steel is not allowed.


Country Section Category
Germany Non-alloy Steels Base Steels

Chemical composition

Standard Fe, % P, % S, % N, %
EN 10025 > 99.898 < 0.045 < 0.045 < 0.012

Information on suppliers

Mechanical properties at 20 °C

Rolling Standard Size, mm Tension Classifiers $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\sigma_{Y}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\sigma_{0.2}$$, $$MPa$$ $$\epsilon_{P (L_0 = 5.65\sqrt{S_o})}$$, % Treatment
< 3 590–770
3–100 570–710
100–150 550–710 275 12
150–250 540–710 11
< 16 335
16–40 325
40–63 315 15
63–80 305
80–100 295
150–200 265
< 1 8
1–1.5 9
1.5–2 10
2–2.5 11
2.5–3 12
3–40 16
63–100 14


Density: 7.87 g/cm3


CIS, Russia, Ukraine Germany USA
St6ps 1.0060G 1024


Description of chemical elements

Element Units of measurement Description
Fe % Iron
P % Phosphorus
S % Sulfur
N % Nitrogen

Description of mechanical properties

Parameter Units of measurement Description
$$\sigma_{Y}$$ $$MPa$$ Yield strength
$$\sigma_{0.2}$$ $$MPa$$ Tensile stress required to produce a total elongation of 0.2%
$$\sigma _{U}$$ $$MPa$$ Ultimate tensile strength
$$\epsilon_{P (L_0 = 5.65\sqrt{S_o})}$$ % Elongation at break (parallel) (for L0 = 5.65√So)