000H23N28M3D3T (03HN28MDT. EP516.)
Welded structures operating at temperatures up to 80 ° C in sulfuric acid of various concentrations, with the exception of 55% acetic and phosphoric acids.
Country | Section | Category |
CIS, Russia, Ukraine | Corrosion-resistant alloys and steels | Corrosion-resistant alloys |
Chemical composition
Standard | Fe, % | Si, % | Mn, % | Co, % | Cr, % | Ti, % | Cu, % | Ni, % | V, % | Al, % | P, % | C, % | S, % | Nb, % | Mo, % | W, % |
GOST 5632-72 | 35.915–46.5 | < 0.8 | < 0.8 | < 0.5 | 22–25 | 0.5–0.9 | 2.5–3.5 | 26–29 | < 0.1 | < 0.1 | < 0.035 | < 0.03 | < 0.02 | < 0.1 | 2.5–3 | < 0.2 |
Information on suppliers
Mechanical properties at 20 °C
Rolling | Standard | Size, mm | Tension | Classifiers | $$\sigma _{U}$$, $$MPa$$ | $$\sigma_{P}$$, $$MPa$$ | d5, % | Treatment |
The plates | GOST 7350-77 | 540 | 215 | 35 | Tempering 1040 - 1080oC, Cooling water. |
Germany | European Union |
X3NiCrCuMoTi2730 | 1.4529 EN 10028-7:2016 |
Standard | Description |
GOST 5632-72 |
Description of chemical elements
Element | Units of measurement | Description |
Fe | % | Iron |
Si | % | Silicon |
Mn | % | Manganese |
Co | % | Cobalt |
Cr | % | Chrome |
Ti | % | Titan |
Cu | % | Copper |
Ni | % | Nickel |
V | % | Vanadium |
Al | % | Aluminium |
P | % | Phosphorus |
C | % | Carbon |
S | % | Sulfur |
Nb | % | Niobium |
Mo | % | Molybdenum |
W | % | Tungsten |
Description of mechanical properties
Parameter | Units of measurement | Description |
d5 | % | Elongation at break |
$$\sigma _{U}$$ | $$MPa$$ | Ultimate tensile strength |
$$\sigma_{P}$$ | $$MPa$$ | Proportionality limit |